How to Manually Add Followers for Contacts in GLM

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Gym Lead Machine now allows you to assign multiple users as "Followers" for a contact, giving your team broader access to manage client interactions and collaborate more effectively. Here’s a breakdown of the new capabilities:

"Followers" Field in Contact Details

  • On each contact's profile, you can now assign up to 10 team members as "Followers."
  • Followers will have the same permissions as the contact owner, which means they can access, view, and edit the contact just like an owner would.

Visibility for Followers

  • Contacts followed by team members will appear in their view when the "Only assigned data is ON" setting is enabled.

Important Notes

Restrictions for Followers

  • When the "Only assigned data is ON" setting is active, followers cannot change the owner of the contact. This is especially important for users with the 'Sub-account USER' type.

Followers Available in Filters, Columns, and Export

Smart List Filter

  • You can now filter contacts by "Followers." Use this new filter option to create Smart Lists based on who is following a contact.

Add Followers as a Column

  • In the "Columns" dropdown, select "Follower" to add it as a visible field in your contact lists.