Bulk Add Contacts to a Workflow in GLM

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To bulk add contacts to an automation in Gym Lead Machine:

  • Navigate to Contacts: Go to the Contacts section in your Gym Lead Machine (GLM) system.

  • Select Contacts:
    • Choose the contacts you want to add by checking the box next to their name.
    • To select all contacts on the page, click the checkbox at the top left. If your contact list spans multiple pages, click "Select all records" to include every contact.
    • Use Filters: If you need a specific group (e.g., contacts tagged as “lead”), use the "More Filters" option to narrow down your list. Filter by the “lead” tag, then select the filtered contacts.

      (For more on filtering and Smart Lists, check out our help article: Intro to Contacts & Smart Lists.)

  • Add to Automation: Once your contacts are selected, click the Add to Automation button (it looks like a robot).

  • Confirm Action: A pop-up will appear—click Ok Proceed.
  • Choose Campaign/Workflow: From the drop-down menu, select the campaign or workflow to add the contacts to.

  • Choose How to Add Contacts:
    • At Once: Adds all selected contacts to the campaign immediately.
    • Scheduled Date and Time: Set a specific date and time to add contacts using the calendar.
    • Drip Mode: Adds contacts in batches over time. You’ll need to input:
      • Start On: The start date and time for the first batch.
      • Batch Quantity: The number of contacts to add at one time (e.g., 10 contacts).
      • Repeat After: Set how often to add new contacts (e.g., every 1 hour).
      • Send On: Optionally, choose specific days and times for adding contacts. (This can be left blank.)

  • Add a Note : Use the Action field for internal notes (e.g., “6.16.23 client announcement”).
  • Finalize: Once satisfied with your settings, click Add to Automation.

Your contacts will now be added to the workflow based on the method you selected!

You may opt to add a group of contacts to a workflow for a number of reasons, including:

  • a special event
  • a promotional offer