Intro to Contacts and Smart Lists

Welcome to Contacts & Smart Lists!

By selecting Contacts in the left menu of your Gym Lead Machine account, you'll enter the section of your account for Contacts and Smart Lists.

In Contacts, you can view a list of all of the contacts in your database.

Review this video for an introduction to the Contacts feature in Gym Lead Machine.

Understanding and using Smart Lists in GLM

This "All" contacts list is able to be filtered and saved into Smart Lists. For example, all contacts with the tag 'client' can be saved as a Client Smart List.

Smart Lists are a great way to organize contacts, specifically those with whom you communicate regularly. Mass emails can be sent to a Smart Lists easily via the Email builder or the 'send email' option in Contacts.

Review this video to understand how Smart Lists work to organize your contacts in GLM.

Standard Smart Lists in GLM

GLM accounts are built with the following Smart Lists at standard:

  • The New Client list for all contacts with the 'fitness/nutrition new client' tags
  • Long Term Client list for all contacts with the 'fitness/nutrition long term client' tags
  • Cancellation Requested is a list of any contacts with the 'fitness/nutrition cancellation requested' tags. They receive this tag upon completion of the Cancellation Form.
  • Cancelled Client is a list of clients with the 'fitness/nutrition cancelled client' tags. You will add this tag to tell the system that someone is no longer a client.
Adding new Smart Lists

You are welcome to add new Smart Lists to your GLM account at any time. To do so you'll first filter or narrow the list of All contacts to the set you are looking to save, and then you'll save that set as a Smart List.

  1. Go to Contacts in your Gym Lead Machine account.
  2. Use the More Filters option on the right to narrow your contact list to a particular set of contacts.

    1. There are a significant number of filter options in the GLM filter list, and any of these can be used to narrow the list and create a new Smart List.
    2. Popular filters include Tag, Assigned, and Birth Date.
    3. You can even apply more than one filter type to creat a very specific list of Contacts.
  3. Once you have your contact list narrowed down, click "Save as Smart List" at the bottom of the Filter sidebar.

  4. Name the Smart List via the pop-up and Save.

An important note regarding Smart Lists: Upon creation, new Smart Lists are only visible to the user that made them. To share a Smart List, go to Manage Smart Lists and click the share icon to share the Smart Lists with specific team members or make it visible to all (Global).

If you have further questions regarding contacts & Smart Lists, please contact the support team at