Delete or Merge Contacts

Those with Admin access in your Gym Lead Machine platform have the ability to delete and merge contacts. Please note that Users do not see the delete or merge contact buttons in Contacts.

To delete a contact
  1. Go to Contacts in your GLM platform
  2. Search for the contact you would like to delete 
  3. Select them by using the checkbox to the left of their name
  4. Use the trash can icon to delete the contact, and confirm when prompted

To merge duplicate contacts
  1. Go to Contacts in your GLM platform
  2. Search for the contact you would like to delete 
  3. Select all instances of the contact by selecting the checkbox to the left of their entries
  4. Click the merge icon, and a pop-up with the separate contact listings will appear

  5. In the pop-up, select the relevant information that you would like to keep when the contacts are merged.
  6. Confirm at the bottom of the pop-up and resolve.

If you would like the Support team to assist you in deleting or merging contacts, use this request form to let us know how we can assist you.

If you have further questions regarding deleting or merging contacts, please contact the support team at