Email Delivery Statistics

There are several ways to check your email delivery statistics in Gym Lead Machine.
  1. Statistics for bulk messages sent through Contacts
  2. Statistics specific to email campaigns sent through the Email Builder in Marketing
  3. Statistics for specific messages within a workflow

Checking Email Stats in the Bulk Actions Option in Contacts

After sending an email using the "Send Email" button in Contacts, you can view the statistics by clicking the Bulk Actions tab in the upper menu.

  1. Go to Contacts in the left menu of your Gym Lead Machine account.
  2. Click Bulk Actions and locate the email you would like to check the stats of
  3. To review Statistics, go to the right-hand side Click "Show Stats."

    Opening below, you will view the Total number of messages sent, the number that was Successful, and those with an Error status.

  4. To view additional information, click on the Successful number ("2" in the screenshot above) and a pop-up will appear with more detailed statistics.

    The top will allow you to toggle between lists of contacts with the following statuses.

    And the bottom of the pop-up will break down the statuses by a percentage based on the total number of contacts included.

Checking Email Stats for Campaigns Sent in the Email Builder

  1. Go to Marketing in the left menu of your GLM account.
  2. In the upper menu, click Emails.

  3. Locate the campaign for which you'd like to check the statistics and click the Actions button to the far right. Select "Statistics."

    You'll see a sidebar appear with the percentage breakdown of the email stats for the following statuses:

    1. Successful delivery
    2. Opened
    3. Clicked
    4. Soft Bounced
    5. Hard Bounced
    6. Unsubscribed
    7. Failed
    8. Spam
  4. By toggling on the "Show stats in numbers" toggle, the percentages will change to the number of contacts represented.

  5. By selecting "Load More Statistics," a pop-up will appear listing the actual contacts that represent each status in the statistics. On this pop-up as well you can opt to see the statistics in percentage or numbers by turning on or off the "Show statistics in numbers" toggle.

Checking Statistics for Individual Messages in Workflows

  1. Go to the Automation option on the left menu in GLM.
  2. Search for the workflow you need or select its folder, and then click on the workflow to open it.

  3. When you're in the workflow you can click on the email message for which you'd like to check statistics.
  4. When the sidebar editor appears with the email message, click the Statistics tab.

  5. You will see percentages for the emails Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Replied, and Bounced.
  6. By selecting "View details" under any of these, a pop-up will appear through which you can see the actual contacts represented.

    Please note that this pop-up is date range filtered, so you may need to adjust the date range to match what you are looking for.

  7. You can see further email statistics by clicking "View all statistics" toward the bottom of the sidebar.

    This will load stats for Accepted, Stored, Rejected, and Complained.

Additional Note for SMS statistics in Workflows

Please note that SMS statistics are also available in workflows. By clicking on an SMS message in workflows and selecting the Statistics tab, you can see the percentage of messages Delivered, Clicked, and Failed. By selecting "View details" you can see the names of the contacts represented on the pop-up.

If you have further questions regarding email delivery statistics, please contact the support team at