Intro to Memberships

With the Membership Builder feature, you can easily create and manage online courses within Gym Lead Machine.

The Membership Builder is found on the left menu of your GLM account. Once you enter the Membership tab, you can navigate through the features by hovering over Courses in the upper menu.

The main parts of the Membership Builder are:

  1. Dashboard - The Dashboard in Memberships is a 30-day snapshot of Opt-ins, Sales, Members, and Checkouts.
  2. Products - These are the courses that you create in the Membership Builder. There is no limit on the number of Products you can create. Products can be paid or free based on the Offer you create. There is no direct link to a Product, you must create an Offer through which contacts will opt-in to view the Product.
  3. Offers - This is how you generate a link and grant access to your Products. After creating the Products, you must create their related Offer. This Offer can be for $0 (a free Product) or, if you connect a payment portal like Stripe with your GLM account, can cost any dollar amount you choose. Products can also be grouped via a single Offer that grants access to more than one Product after the opt-in is complete.
  4. Analytics - Here you can check the progress of participants through your courses, view assessment results, and explore revenue analytics related to paid Offers.
  5. Settings -  In Settings, you'll determine some main aspects of your Membership courses.
    1. In Site Details you set your subdomain and branding. You can connect an existing domain in the Custom Domain feature.
    2. Via Email Settings, you can update the settings related to the welcome, drip, and offer access emails.
    3. In the App Settings, section you'll determine some settings specific to the viewing of your Membership courses on mobile devices.

As you continue through this lesson, we'll dive further into each section of the Membership Builder and help you develop your courses. You can also get started by watching our client-exclusive masterclass with Tech Support Manager Tom Regier as he teaches Building Membership Courses in GLM.

Please be sure to review the following lessons on the Membership Builder in GLM! If you have additional questions upon review, feel free to reach out to the Support team at