Extend Recurring Appointments in Kilo

Athletes can use credits from both their Active and Upcoming packages to book appointments.

For example, if an athlete has a recurring personal training appointment every Thursday at 6:00 am, you can schedule these appointments using the credits from their currently Active package as well as from their next Upcoming package.

As new credits become available upon renewal, you can continue booking future recurring appointments for the client.

To extend recurring appointment further into the future:

  1. Go to the Schedule in Kilo under the Calendar menu item
  2. Find and click on the last appointment in the series of recurring appointments
  3. Click the Actions button
  4. Select to "Edit all future events"
  5. Change the End Date field to the last valid day of the Upcoming package (if the Upcoming package has the dates 10/01/24-10/31/24, change the end date field to 10/31/24).
  6. Save

Here is a scenario:

In this scenario, Laura has a personal training (PT) package that gives her 2 PT credits per week, with each package valid for 4 weeks (so a total of 8 credits for 4 weeks). Here's a breakdown of how the scheduling works:

  1. Initial PT Package Activation:

    When Laura's package becomes active, you can book 8 recurring PT sessions for the next 4 weeks (since she gets 2 sessions per week).

  2. Package Renewal:

    The package is set to automatically renew based on the AutoRenew setting (which is managed in your system’s settings). When the package renews, another 8 credits (2 per week for 4 weeks) become available.

  3. Manual Renewal (Renew Now):

    In the video example below, I didn’t want to wait for the package to renew automatically. Instead, I forced an early renewal by using the "Renew Now" action, which creates an "Upcoming" version of the package. It is best to only have one Upcoming version of any Active package.

  4. Scheduling More Appointments:

    To use the newly available credits, you can modify the last recurring appointment (appointment 8) and extend its end date by 4 more weeks. This will automatically schedule another 8 sessions for Laura.

  5. Ongoing Renewals:

    As the membership continues to renew each month and Laura earns 8 more credits, you can keep extending the last appointment's end date. This process allows Laura to continuously have PT sessions booked in the future.

Essentially, each time the package renews and more credits become available, you extend the final appointment to automatically generate additional future appointments.