Accounting Reports in Kilo

Two Accounting Dashboard reports in Kilo will help you to understand your gym's monthly revenue. These reports can be expanded by clicking on that section of the Dash. There, they can be further filtered and exported.

The two accounting reports are:

  • Total Revenue MTD (Month-to-Date)
  • Upcoming Revenue (This Month)

Total Revenue MTD

  • By clicking on the Total Revenue MTD section of the Dash, you can access a full report of successful payments collected so far for the current month.
  • You can opt to filter this report by Product - either package or retail products. There is a multi-select option where you can choose one or more Products.

  • By clicking on the date-selector, you may choose a new start and end for the report.

  • Clear filters by selecting the funnel icon.

  • Export the report to a CSV file using the printer icon.

Upcoming Revenue (This Month)

  • By selecting the Upcoming Revenue portion of the Dashboard, you'll be taken to a report detailing all payments with the status "Upcoming" before the end of the current calendar month.
  • Like the Total Revenue report above, you can filter this report by Product (billing source). This can be a single or multi-select feature.
  • You can look further into the future at upcoming revenue by changing the start and end dates of the report in the date selection field.
  • Clear all filters by selecting the funnel icon and export the report to a CSV file using the printer icon button.

If you have further questions regarding Accoutning reports in Kilo, please contact the Support team at