August 2024 Newsletter

{{contact.first_name}}, when was the last time you won in the gym?

I don’t mean the last time you finished first in a workout or posted the best number.

I mean the last time you realized you’re making progress toward your goals—because every inch is a huge win.

Get this: Many people don’t notice progress. They’re so focused on the long-term goal that they don’t see daily wins.

That’s a shame! 

As coaches, we have trained eyes and see tons of wins all the time. I want to point a few of them out for you so you can feel great about yourself.

This stuff is hiding in plain sight, and I want you to notice it!

1. You Went to the Gym

If you’ve been to the gym this week, you’re winning. 

You might think this is a small thing, but it’s not. Regular gym attendance is rare in our country. You’re doing something uncommon. 

Every time you train, you’re building a healthy habit that will make great things happen. 

Think about building a LEGO castle. You need a lot of blocks, right? Each workout is like a block, and if you stack them up, you’ll have your castle.

2. You Ate Something Healthy

You’re winning every time you pass on the drive-thru meal and eat something that’s in line with your goals.

I don’t have to tell you that picking up a burger and fries is easy. You already know fast food and treats are everywhere.

So when you make a decision to eat veggies and lean protein, you’re saying, “I’m willing to work for what I want.”

You should feel really good about that.

3. You Took a Cue From a Coach

Coachable clients make progress faster than anyone else. 

You work with a fitness expert to reach your goals ASAP, and your coach is invested in your success. So every tip you get is provided to increase speed. 

Any time you consider a coach’s cue and work to improve your movement, you’re pushing down on the accelerator.

Did you remember to set your back before you picked up the barbell? Did you push your knees out in a squat? Did you flex your glutes and abs in a shoulder press?

Those are wins. High five!

4. You Improved Something Just a Little Bit

“Kaizen” is the Japanese concept of continuous improvement.

We all know objects at rest tend to stay at rest. That’s Newton’s first law of movement. You must push to create motion, and progress is hard at first.

Conversely, objects in motion tend to stay in motion. That’s you when you keep pushing and build momentum!

Did you lift 1 lb. more than last time or run that mile 2 seconds faster? That’s motion toward your goal, and it’s a big deal. 

Maybe progress is slow or barely perceptible. But it’s there, and your coaches see it stacking up. If you get a little better every day, you’ll be your best self in no time.

Take a minute and review the last five or six workouts you did. I guarantee you’ll find some motion toward your goals. And if you need help, ask your coach to point out signs that you’re making progress.

What’s Your Win?

I hope this message helped you find a few wins. 

It’s important that you look for them. When you spot each win, you’ll feel great and realize you’re moving toward your goals. As the wins stack up, you’ll feel incredible momentum. 

I’d love to know about your most recent win. Do me a favor: Hit “reply” and tell me what it was! Big or small, I want to hear about it.

Your Coach

If you want to learn how to send out a newsletter using GLM, watch this video:  

How to Send Out a Newsletter.