Bulk Edit Package and Billing Plans

Our Development Team has released a new feature that will increase your flexibility for bulk editing Packages and Billing plans. To update a package or billing, 

  1. Go to Packages
  2. Click on the blue action button
  3. Click View

  1. Once inside the package, you can choose to edit your package and event details or your billing plans.

  1. After you make your edits, you’ll be asked to confirm your changes.

If you are making changes to a Package template or billing plan that is currently in use and attached to your athletes, your edits will take effect the next time that package renews for each athlete. Please make note of the Attendance rules warning when modifying a package template.

Here is a video example demonstrating how this feature operates:

If you have further questions about Bulk Editing Packages and Billing plans, please contact our Support team at hello@usekilo.com.