The Sales Portal

Common FAQ: When the admin or staff view the Kilo Sales Portal, you will notice that the checkout button is disabled. This is only because you are viewing when logged in on the same browser as Admin or Staff.

In order to see the checkout enabled button, open your Sales Portal in an Incognito or Guest window on your browser.

Enable the Sales Portal

To enable the Sales Portal, login to You will see the new 'Sales Portal' option in the menu on the left hand side.

  1. Click 'Sales Portal'.
  2. Select 'Edit', and click 'Enable Sales Portal', then select 'Save'.
  3. You can now customize your Sales Portal settings including the logo, description, etc.

If at any time you would like to disable your Kilo Sales Portal, simply return to the Sales Portal menu option in your account, click Edit, and deselect the box by "Enable Sales Portal."

Set Up Packages for the Sales Portal

  • You are able to customize which packages and billing plans appear in your Sales Portal.
  • Billing plans can be Public or Private to assist with offering discounted or special rates to certain groups.

Getting Started - Package and Billing Plan Creation

  1. Before you can offer a Package for sale in the Kilo Sales Portal, the Package and Billing Plans must first be created in the Packages menu.
    1. Learn more about creating Packages and Billing Plans in our Packages and Billing Plans help docs.

Activate a Package and Billing Plan(s) in the Sales Portal

To activate a Package and Billing Plan(s) in the Sales Portal:

  1. Go to Package
  2. Click the action button to the far right of the Package and select Sales Portal Options
  3. Check the box to enable the Package in the Sales Portal
  4. Click on the Billing Plans drop down
  5. Select if each billing plan will be Public, Private, or Disabled in the Sales Portal
    1. Public billing plans will make the Package appear on the main Sales Portal page and anyone will be able to purchase via the public billing plan.
    2. Private billing plans will keep the billing plan hidden from the main Sales Portal page. You will need to copy and send the Private Billing Plan's URL to someone specifically for them to receive that set of pricing.
    3. Disabled billing plans will not appear in the Sales Portal.
    4. For example: You may have a Drop In package with two Billing Plans - Standard for $25 and Friends & Family for $15. The Standard billing plan will be set to Public, so when someone clicks on the Drop In package from your main Sales Portal page, they are quoted $25 at checkout. The Friends and Family billing plan can be set to Private and you can give the URL specific to the F&F plan to the families of your coaches. While others cannot see this billing plan when using the Portal, those with the direct URL will be able to checkout for $15.

Checkout Flow Options for The Sales Portal

  • Below the Billing Plans drop down in Sales Portal Options, you'll find the Checkout Flow menu.
  • Checkout Flow determines which form fields are visible to and required of a prospect as they purchase this package.
  • First name, last name, and email are the only fields required at standard.
  • Additional fields can be activated by checking them in the "Visible Field" column and also made optional or required by checking "Required Field".

The Sales Portal is not available for Athletes through the Kilo App. Owners must provide the Sales Portal URL to prospects or athletes for purchasing options.

Have more questions about the Sales Portal? Contact Support at