How to Send a Bulk SMS or Email from Contacts in GLM

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Before sending any bulk messages via SMS communication, please remember that your subscription includes 1200 SMS segments per month, and you will be charged for overages caused by sending in bulk to a significant number of contact or sending long messages. Please ready carefully about segments as well as overage charges in this Help Article before you proceed.

Here's a step-by-step guide to sending a one-time message or email blast to a group of contacts in your Gym Lead Machine account.

Step 1: Access Contacts

  • Go to the Contacts section in the left menu of your Gym Lead Machine dashboard.

Step 2: Select Contacts for Messaging

You can select the contacts you'd like to send the message to by doing one of the following:

  • Manual Selection: Check the boxes beside each contact's name individually.
  • Smart List Creation: Use the filter function to create a custom list, then select all contacts on that list.

Tip: If the contact list spans multiple pages, click the checkbox at the top of the list (next to "Name") to select all records across all pages.

You can learn more about building Smart Lists in the Intro lesson here.

Step 3: Sending an Email or SMS

Once your contacts are selected:

  1. For Emails: Click the Email icon button to draft or insert a previously created template and send an email.
  2. For SMS: Use the SMS icon button to draft your message or insert a previously created SMS template and send an SMS.

Step 5: Choose Your Send Method

After drafting your SMS or Email or selecting a template, you can choose one of the following send options:

  • Send All at Once: Click Send SMS to or Send Email to send the message to all selected contacts immediately.

  • Send at Scheduled Time: Choose a date and time using the calendar, then click Send SMS to or Send Email

  • Send in Drip Mode: Schedule messages to be sent gradually over time. Enter the frequency and the number of contacts to receive the message in each batch.

Drip Mode Settings Explained

When using Drip Mode, you have several options for controlling the message send schedule:

Start on: Choose the start date and time.

Batch Quantity: Specify how many contacts will receive the message at once (e.g., 10 contacts).

Repeat After: Set the time interval between batches (e.g., 1 hour).

Send On: Select specific days or times for the messages to be sent. This helps prevent messages from being sent during off-hours or non-business days.

Tip: For smaller lists, it's okay to leave these fields blank if you want all messages to be sent quickly.