December 2022 Newsletter

You can access the December 2022 Newsletter copy below: 

Dear {{contact.first_name}}, 

With the end-of-year holidays approaching, I’ve got a monster tip to help you stay on track with your fitness and nutrition goals. Here it is:

Remember that something is always better than nothing.

Here’s the scenario: You get busy during the holidays. Really busy. You’re running around everywhere, you’re hosting relatives and friends, you’ve got all sorts of social commitments, and the kids’ schedules are packed with recitals and games. So you skip a workout. Then another. All of a sudden, it’s been a week since you hit the gym. You start feeling blah, so you think “this month is a total write-off.” You stop trying to make time to work out and you pull into the drive-thru way more often than you want to.

This sort of thing can happen to anyone, so I want you to remember that any small step in the right direction is a big deal in December. Don’t ever lose sight of your health and fitness goals.

For example, maybe you just don’t have much free time on a busy day. But could you duck into the garage and jump rope for 15 minutes? Could you jog around the block a few times? What about 50 push-ups in the basement after the big game but before the big meal?

You might not call this “optimal training.” And I’m not suggesting you should rip into a hard workout without a warm-up. But even a little extra movement is so much better than nothing. You’ll get some physical benefits just from doing something that gets your heart rate up a bit.

Perhaps even better, you’ll feel better mentally. Instead of thinking, “I haven’t worked out in days” and beating yourself up, you can congratulate yourself on finding a way to stay active during a really busy time: “I’m sure glad I hit the bike this morning. Who knew 10 minutes of light work could make me feel so much better?”

Then you can carry that momentum into the gym. You deserve some time to prioritize your fitness goals—carve it out!

You can apply the same principle to nutrition. We all know the next weeks will be full of cookies and cake, but don’t throw in the towel and say “I’ll get back on track in 2023.” Instead, try to find some easy wins that will make you feel good. For example, chop some veggies and get a few lean cold cuts in the fridge. When you’re tempted to reach for goodies, munch on carrots, celery and sliced turkey breast.

Of course, I want you to hit the gym regularly and fill your plate at every meal with all the foods that will support your goals. But I know December can be a tricky month. So consider this your “emergency strategy.”

In tough times, just do something—anything—for yourself. Five minutes, 40 burpees, three carrots, two slices of lean protein, and one big smile.

Your goals are important, and you can always move toward them—even if you only take a small step.

And remember: We’ve got your back. If there’s anything we can do to help you stay on track in December, say the word!


P.S. Got a new goal in mind for the New Year? Hit “reply” and tell me!

If you want to learn how to send out a newsletter using GLM, watch this video:  

How to Send Out a Newsletter.