August 2022 Newsletter

You can access the August 2022 Newsletter copy below: 

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

I hope you’re enjoying summer! It’s such a great time to unplug, relax, and create some space to think.
With that in mind, I want to know if you’ve thought of any new health and fitness goals. 
For example, some people pick up golf, cycling, wakeboarding or other summer hobbies and find that a little more training would make these pastimes even more enjoyable. Others spend time away from work and think of cool things they want to accomplish in fall and winter. And some people set new goals after summer sports seasons end or before fall competition seasons begin.
I’d love to know where you’re at. We do Goal Review Sessions regularly, but consider this a personal invitation to chat now—in person, on the phone or online. 
And this doesn’t have to be “official.” Let’s just reconnect! If you don’t have any specific new goals, I’d love to know: What’s something you were able to do this summer because of your hard work in the gym? 
I’m always thrilled when I hear people tell me stuff like “I hiked Yosemite Park” or “I did my first triathlon” or “I was able to do yardwork without back pain.” 
What have you been able to do because you’re fit? Send me an email or—even better—send me a video or photo. I’d love to show you off on social media. You fellow gym members would love to see what you’ve been up to, and you might inspire some other people to get moving. 
What’s on the camera roll on your phone? Send something my way!
Planning Tip
No one wants to think about the end of summer—but August is a great time to get a few plans in place so you don’t get crushed when the kids are back to school and the holidays wrap up.
Here’s the tip: While you have some extra time now, make plans so you can get all your workouts in when fall comes. Book them now and get them on the calendar. Then, when it gets busy, you won’t have to “fit workouts in.” Instead, you’ll have the stuff you need to accomplish your goals on the calendar already and you can fit the other stuff in around that.
Prioritize your health and fitness and you’ll be even more capable of caring for those around you when the September whirlwind starts.

Enjoy August. Get out there and move—and send me a pic or video when you do!


P.S. If you’ve taken some time off over summer, I’d love to help you get back on track in the fall. Drop me a line and let me know how you’re doing!

If you want to learn how to send out a newsletter using GLM, watch this video:  

How to Send Out a Newsletter.