Drop In Form Explained

Understanding your Drop-In Form

The Drop In Form is a prebuilt form found on the Drop In page of your website. In most of our design templates, you can access this page in the More Info menu in the navigation bar. 

The idea here is that you can invite visitors from a different gym who are already familiar with the methodology and who might want to take a class.

The drop-in form has various required contact fields like first name, last name, e-mail, and phone, but it also asks the prospect about the name of their home gym. 

After the form is submitted, the visitor will stay on the same page, and they'll see a thank you message post submission.

You can edit this thank you message in your Gym Lead Machine Form Builder. 

  1. In your GLM account, go to Sites in the left menu. Then, select Forms in the upper menu.
  2. Click on the Drop In Form in the list to edit.
  3. Go to the Options tab on the right and edit the text under “ Message."

There are a few automated actions that fire after this form is submitted.

  1. The contact will enter into your Gym Lean Machine database.
  2. They will receive a 'drop in' tag.
  3. An internal e-mail will be sent to you or your staff, as well as push notifications alerting you that you have a new lead interested in dropping in.
  4. The lead will be added to the Drop In campaign to receive automated messaging related to their visit.

Editing the Drop In campaign

This campaign typically includes one automated SMS and one e-mail thanking them for their inquiry and letting them know that someone from your staff will be in touch with them shortly. 

To edit this campaign:

  1. Start by going to the "Automation" option in your Gym Lead Machine menu.

  2. Click on the folder titled "Fitness Campaigns."
  3. Then, look for and click on the campaign titled "Drop In."
    1. You can also search for the Drop In Campaign in the search bar in the right-hand corner. 

  4. Click on the Drop In Campaign label to edit the campaign.
  5. Here you will see the automated messages, as well as a series of wait steps that determine when the automated messages are sent. 

  6. To edit the contents of one of these messages, you'll click on the message that you want to edit.  There are different formatting options depending on whether the message you are editing is an SMS or an email.

    In both cases, you can change the text by typing in the box on the right-hand side. 

    Often, these campaign messages are edited to add a direct purchase link for drop-ins to buy and register for their session in your gym management system. You are welcome to add this link to the campaign messages if it makes for a more streamlined process for your team.

  7. You can edit the timing of these messages by editing or rearranging the order of the “ Wait “ steps. These wait steps are set to a default time delay to maximize your lead conversion but can be edited to suit your preferences. 

  8. You can also add additional steps by clicking the plus button. This will allow you to add additional messaging ('Send Email' or 'Send SMS' are the commonly used actions), wait steps, or other automated actions.
  9. If needed, you can delete a message or wait step entirely by clicking the circle with the three dots and then clicking delete. This setting will also allow you to move, copy, or delete a step in the campaign.

Notes regarding drop-ins:

  • Contacts that submit the Drop In Form will not move into the Fitness Pipeline in Opportunities. Typically drop-ins already belong to an existing gym and are simply visiting while in town. In most cases, this person wouldn't be considered a lead for your core service, but you can always manually add an Opportunity card for the contact at a later date.

If you have further questions regarding the Drop In Form or campaign, please contact the support team at hello@usekilo.com.