Fitness Pipeline Explained

The video and notes below will help you understand the functions of your Gym Lead Machine Fitness Pipeline. 

Important Notes

  • We also have this helpful graphic to assist you in understanding how to keep your GLM system up-to-date.
  • As of July 20, 2024, new GLM accounts are built with a 14- (rather than 30-) day wait period until Opportunities are updated to Abandoned from the New Lead, Appointment Booked, Appointment No Show, and Appointment Cancellation stages.

    If you would like this timeline updated in your account, please request the change from our Support team at

The GLM Opportunities Pipeline
  1. New Lead - lead opportunities are created in this stage when a lead form connected to your GLM system is submitted
  2. Appointment Booked - opportunity cards move to or are created in this stage when an appointment is booked in your GLM sales calendar
  3. Appointments Showed/No Show/Cancellation - Opportunity cards move to one of these stages when you update the appointment status in Calendars -> Appointments.
  4. Sales (Past & Present) - opportunity cards are automatically moved to this stage when updated to the status "Won"

When you drag and drop an opportunity card to Lost or Abandoned, rather than Won, the opportunity card will bounce back to the most recent stage - this is an expected system reaction. You will see the "Lost" or "Abandoned" status noted to the right of the opportunity's name.

You can filter these opportunities out by keeping the status filter on "Open" or see them by adjusting the checkboxes to see some of all of the other status options.

The Nutrition Pipeline, and any other pipelines that you utilize within your GLM account, function in a similar fashion to the Fitness Pipeline explained above. Differences include the form or forms associated with the New Lead stage (typically, the Nutrition Form), the calendar associated with the Appointment stages (typically, Nutrition Consultation or Nutrition Intro), and the campaigns that contacts will flow through as they reach new stages of the pipeline (Fitness Campaigns).

If you have further questions regarding the functions of your opportunities pipelines, please contact the support team at