Tip of the Week #24- How to Build a Meal Plan Creator in GLM

This week, I want to share a simple yet effective way to streamline meal plan and grocery list creation for your nutrition coaching clients. Using a survey, you can gather key details about your clients’ preferences, goals, and routines, making it easier to create personalized plans.

Start by building a branded survey. It doesn’t need to be complicated—just include your logo, a clear header, and basic fields like name, email, and questions about their nutrition needs. Some helpful prompts might include:

  • What's your primary fitness or health goal right now?
    • Lose weight
    • Gain muscle
    • Maintain weight
    • Improve overall health
    • Other (please specify)
  • Do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies?
    • None
    • Gluten-free
    • Dairy-free
    • Nut-free
    • Vegan
    • Other (please specify)
  • What's your typical daily meal routine?
    • 1-2 meals per day
    • 3 meals per day
    • More than 3 meals per day
    • Snacks only
    • Other (please specify)
  • What are your favorite foods and meals that you enjoy eating regularly?
    • Open text field for response
  • Are there any foods or ingredients you dislike or won't eat?
    • Open text field for response
  • How often do you cook at home versus eating out?
    • Mostly cook at home
    • Balanced between home and eating out
    • Mostly eat out
    • Never cook at home
  • Do you prefer meals that are quick to prepare, or do you enjoy cooking elaborate meals?
    • Quick and easy
    • Don't mind cooking time
    • Prefer elaborate recipes
    • Mix of both
  • What kitchen appliances do you use regularly?
    • Microwave
    • Oven
    • Stovetop
    • Slow cooker
    • Air fryer
    • Blender
    • Other (please specify)
  • What’s your weekly budget for groceries?
    • Under $50
    • $50 to $100
    • $100 to $150
    • Over $150
  • Which grocery stores do you frequently shop at?
    • Walmart
    • Kroger
    • Sam's Club
    • Other (please specify)
  • Do you need your meals to be portable or easy to eat on the go?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
  • How many people are you cooking for?
    • Just me
    • 2 people
    • Family (3-4 people)
    • Large family or group (5+ people)
  • Do you follow any specific diet plan?
    • No specific diet
    • Keto
    • Paleo
    • Vegetarian
    • Vegan
    • Other (please specify)
  • Are you interested in trying new recipes, or would you prefer to stick with familiar dishes?
    • Open to new recipes
    • Stick with familiar
    • A mix of both
  • Do you have any health conditions that influence your diet?
    • None
    • Diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Heart disease
    • Other (please specify)

Once clients fill out the survey, their responses are automatically stored in their profile, making it easy to reference. From here, you have two options: manually use their responses to create a plan or automate the process with tools like GPT.

For automation, you can set up a workflow triggered by survey submissions. Using a premium GPT feature, you can instruct it to generate a meal plan and grocery list based on the survey data. For accuracy, I like to have the plan sent to me first as an internal notification so I can review and fine-tune it before sharing it with the client. This way, I ensure the plan meets their needs while maintaining a personal touch.

Here is an example prompt:

Using the client’s survey responses, come up with a meal plan for the week. Break it down day by day into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. Make sure the meals match what they shared about their preferences, allergies, and goals. Be specific about portion sizes, using the hand method (like a palm for protein, a fist for veggies, a cupped hand for carbs, and a thumb for fats).

Also, create a grocery list to match, sorted by food type (like proteins, veggies, carbs, etc.) that they can easily grab from their usual grocery spots (Walmart, Kroger, or Sam's Club). Calculate the amount they would need to purchase to make the meal plan work. The goal is for them to know exactly how much to buy to make all meals for the week.

Keep the meals easy to make with simple ingredients, sticking to their cooking habits and budget. If they’ve mentioned specific nutrition goals, like calories or macros, include that too.

This should feel personal, like it’s coming from Coach Jordan to {{contact.first_name}}, not automated or stiff. Don’t use formal intros like 'I hope this email finds you well' or bold any headings. Make it practical and real.

Alternatively, if you trust the GPT output, you can set it to email the client directly. However, I find reviewing and tweaking the plan allows for better quality control and customization.

This approach saves time and ensures your clients get a plan tailored to their needs. I hope this method helps streamline your process and enhances your client experience!