Failure Notices and Locked Payment Methods in Kilo
To help gym owners avoid unnecessary Stripe fees, Kilo now locks payment methods upon payment failures.
- When a payment method fails (for any reason), Kilo logs the initial failed attempt in Stripe, which will incur a processing fee.
- The payment method will then be locked to prevent further automatic attempts.
- You must unlock the payment method before trying to charge it again.
By preventing multiple attempts on unusable payment methods, this update helps you avoid extra fees from Stripe.
Actions Upon Payment Method Failure in Kilo
A banner will appear in the lower left corner of Kilo containing the Stripe code for the payment failure. This will only appear for live charges like retail or manually collecting an invoice.
The decline code will appear when you hover over the red "Failed Past Due" status on the Invoice list.
For bank accounts, the invoice status goes to Pending for several business days before Stripe can successfully or unsuccessfully complete the charge. If, ultimately, the bank account fails to produce the funds due, you will see the decline code when you hover over the "Failed Past Due" status.
Invoice line for a failed payment charged to a credit card. Invoice line for failed payment charged to a bank account. The payment method will be locked in Kilo.
To reflect this lock, you will see the following interface changes.
A small lock icon beside the payment method in the Invoice list and anywhere the payment method is selectable (such as Retail and Misc. Fees)
On the Athlete Profile, the payment method will be highlighted red.
From the Athlete's view in Kilo, the payment method will also display the lock icon and be highlighted in red (Note, in the screenshot the nickname for the payment method is "Insufficient Funds" in our testing account. Athletes will see the nickname for their payment method.)
Athletes cannot delete their own payment methods, but locked methods will have an "Unlock Options" menu item where the Athlete can see the decline code details and are instructed to reach out to the gym for assistance.
Since the payment method is now locked, future attempts to charge the credit card or bank account will fail without being logged with Stripe - which is how charges are avoided.
Instead, you will see an internal message from Kilo that "This payment method is locked due to previous failed charge attempts. No charge was attempted."
Before Unlocking a Payment Method
When a method of payment is locked due to payment failure, you will want to take action to ensure future attempts will process successfully before unlocking and reattempting.
- To understand the initial decline code, check Stripe's help doc Take the recommended actions to speak with the athlete or collect a new method of payment as needed.
For credit cards, incorrect expiration dates and zip codes are common reasons for payment failure. These two fields can now be updated from the Athlete Profile -> Payment Method -> Edit.
In the Athlete profile, locked credit cards also have the Edit option to allow Athletes to update the expiration date and zip code associate with the card.
- Have athletes enter new payment methods by logging in to from their browser on desktop or mobile (Chrome is preferred).
- Some athletes have reported time-out errors when loading bank accounts from the Kilo mobile app. To avoid this issue when logging in to their bank, instruct them to log in to Kilo from their browser.
To Unlock a Payment Method
Once you have spoken with your client and are sure the payment will successfully process upon a future attempt, you can unlock the payment method to reattempt the charge.
Go to the Athlete's profile and navigate to the locked payment method, which will be highlighted in red.
Click the red arrow Action button
Select 'Unlock Actions'
Check the pop up banner to be sure you are ready to unlock the payment method.
- The pop-up provides you with a link to Stripe's help documents on decline codes. If you are unsure about the meaning of the decline code received for the initial payment and how to take action, this article can help.
- When you're ready, click 'Confirm & Unlock' to unlock the payment method. You may now reattempt collection knowing that attempts will be logged with Stripe and processing fees will apply.
Have more questions about payments in Kilo? Contact our Support team at