How to Restore Deleted Contacts in GLM

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If you need to restore a deleted contact or multiple contacts, follow the steps below to recover them along with their associated data such as opportunities, notes, tasks, and more.

Restoring a Single Contact

Step 1: Go to Contacts

  • Navigate to the Contacts section in your Gym Lead Machine account.

Step 2: Access the Restore Tab

  • At the top of the Contacts page, click on the Restore tab.

Step 3: Select the Contact to Restore

  • Find the contact you wish to restore and click Restore on the right-hand side.

Step 4: Confirm the Restoration

  • A modal will appear. Click Confirm to restore the contact.

  • This action will restore:
    • Opportunities
    • Notes
    • Tasks
    • Appointments
    • Conversations
    • Campaigns/Workflows

Restoring Multiple Contacts

Step 1: Select Multiple Contacts

  • In the Contacts section, select the contacts you wish to restore.

Step 2: Confirm the Restoration

  • Once selected, click Confirm to restore all of the selected contacts, along with their related:
    • Opportunities
    • Conversations
    • Notes
    • Tasks
    • Appointments
    • Manual Actions

Restoring Contacts from a Bulk Delete

Step 1: Access Bulk Actions

  • Go to Bulk Actions, click on the three dots next to the bulk delete action, and choose Restore.

Step 2: Start the Restoration

  • The restore process will begin, and you can monitor its progress and statistics on the bulk actions page.

By following these steps, you can easily restore deleted contacts and recover important information tied to them in Gym Lead Machine.