How to Connect Your Outlook Calendar in GLM

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Integrating your Outlook Calendar with Gym Lead Machine (GLM) allows you to synchronize appointments and manage your schedule seamlessly across both platforms. Follow these steps to connect and configure your Outlook Calendar with GLM.

Step 1: Connect Your Outlook Calendar

  • Navigate to Calendar Settings:
    • Go to Settings in your GLM account.
    • Select My Profile from the menu.
    • In the Calendar Settings section, find the option to connect your Outlook account.

  • Ensure Proper Access:
    • Make sure the user who is logged in and attempting to integrate the Outlook Calendar is part of the correct sub-account. Only in this case will you find the Profile option in the Settings menu.
  • Authorize Access:
    • You will be prompted to grant permission for LeadConnector to access your Outlook Calendar. Approve this request to proceed with the integration.

Step 2: Configure Your Calendar for Outlook Integration

Once your Outlook Calendar is connected, you'll need to configure it to manage your appointments and availability correctly.

  • Navigate to Calendar Configuration:
    • Go to Settings > Profile in your GLM account.
    • Scroll down to the bottom right, where you will find Calendar Configuration.
  • Understand Calendar Configuration Segments:
    • Primary Calendar: This reads all calendar events from Outlook and writes all appointments to Outlook.
    • Check for Conflicts: This only reads calendar events from Outlook to prevent double bookings.

Primary Calendar Configuration:

  • Click the Edit button under Primary Calendar.
  • In the dropdown, select your Outlook account. You’ll see all your Outlook calendars listed.
  • Choose the calendar that you want GLM to read from and write to.

Important Note:

  • If you experience syncing issues where appointments are not syncing from Outlook or to Outlook, follow these steps:
    • Edit the Primary Calendar setting.
    • Choose Do not sync events to the primary calendar and click Save.
    • Then, reselect the same calendar to re-enable syncing. This process should resolve any syncing issues.

Check for Conflicts Configuration:

  • Click the Edit button under Check for Conflicts.
  • Select the calendars from your Outlook account that you want to use to check for conflicts.
  • This feature ensures that any events in the selected calendars will be considered when checking for availability, preventing double bookings.