How to Connect Your iCloud Calendar in GLM

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Integrating your iCloud Calendar with Gym Lead Machine (GLM) helps streamline your scheduling process by ensuring that all your appointments and events are synchronized between platforms. Follow this guide to connect and configure your iCloud Calendar with GLM.

Step 1: Obtain Your Unique App-Specific Password from Apple

Before you can integrate your iCloud Calendar with GLM, you need to obtain an app-specific password from Apple. This password is different from your standard Apple account password and is required for connecting third-party applications like GLM to your iCloud Calendar. Make sure you also have two-factor authentication enabled on your Apple account.

To obtain your app-specific password, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your Apple ID account at
  • Ensure Two-Factor Authentication is enabled in the Security section. If it’s not enabled, follow the prompts to activate it.
  • In the App-Specific Passwords section, click on Generate Password.
  • Enter a label for the password (e.g., "GLM Calendar") and click Create.
  • Copy the generated app-specific password. You’ll use this password to connect your iCloud Calendar to GLM.

Step 2: Integrate iCloud with Gym Lead Machine

Once you have your app-specific password, you can integrate your iCloud Calendar with GLM.

  • Navigate to Settings:
    • Click on the Settings button from the left navigation panel in your GLM account.
  • Go to Integrations:
    • Select My Profile and then go to Integrations.
  • Connect iCloud Calendar:
    • You should see an option for iCloud Calendar. Click on Connect.
  • Enter Your iCloud Credentials:
    • Enter your iCloud Email Address and the app-specific password you created in Step 1.
  • Confirm Integration:
    • Once you’ve entered the required information, your iCloud Calendar will be connected to GLM.

Step 3: Configure Your Primary Calendar and Check for Conflicts

After connecting your iCloud Calendar, you’ll need to configure which calendar will serve as your Primary Calendar and set up additional calendars to check for conflicts.

Understanding Primary Calendar and Conflict Checking
  • Primary Calendar: This is the main calendar where all appointments booked in GLM will be displayed. It will also sync all events from your iCloud Calendar into GLM.
  • Check for Conflicts: This feature allows you to add multiple calendars to prevent double bookings. Events from these calendars will appear in GLM, and the system will consider them when checking for availability.

To Set Up Your Primary Calendar:

  • Go to My Profile in GLM.
  • Click on Calendar Configuration.
  • Click Edit under Primary Calendar.
  • Select the appropriate account from the list of connected accounts. Only accounts integrated with GLM will appear in the list.
  • Click Save to confirm your Primary Calendar setup.

To Add Calendars for Conflict Checking:

  • Go to My Profile in GLM.
  • Click on Calendar Configuration.
  • Click Edit under Check for Conflicts.
  • Select the desired account(s) from the list of connected accounts.
  • Click Save to enable conflict checking for the selected accounts.

Important Information for iCloud Integration

  • Contact Creation: Events from iCloud will not create contacts in GLM. Instead, all events imported from iCloud are treated as Blocked Slots rather than appointments.
  • Synchronization of Blocked Slots: If a blocked slot is created in GLM, it will not sync back to your iCloud Calendar.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate your iCloud Calendar with Gym Lead Machine, ensuring a seamless and organized scheduling experience across platforms.