Calendar Availability in GLM

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Availability Settings: Overview

  • Weekly Working Hours: This setting is for your regular, recurring availability. It is ideal for establishing a default schedule that repeats every week, such as consistent working days and hours.
  • Date-Specific Hours: This setting allows for customization of your availability or unavailability on specific dates. It is particularly useful for handling holidays, personal commitments, or any situations that deviate from your normal schedule.

Weekly Working Hours

Weekly Working Hours define your regular, repeating schedule. This setting is used to establish your standard availability on a weekly basis.

  • Purpose: To set a default schedule that repeats every week.
  • Example: If you are available every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8 AM to 10 PM, you would configure these times under Weekly Working Hours. The system will apply this schedule to those days and times each week automatically.

Date-Specific Hours

Date-Specific Hours allow you to adjust your availability or unavailability for specific dates, overriding your regular weekly schedule when necessary.

  • Purpose: To handle exceptions or unique circumstances that affect your availability.


    • Holidays: Mark specific dates, such as Easter or Christmas, as unavailable.
    • Personal Commitments: Adjust your schedule for specific commitments like a doctor’s appointment. For example, if you have a doctor's appointment on February 10th, 2024, from 12 PM to 3 PM, you can mark yourself as unavailable during that time.
    • Extended Availability: For special occasions or events, you can extend your working hours temporarily. For instance, during a long weekend, you may want to extend your hours, and you can configure this specifically for those days using Date-Specific Hours.

  • How to Mark Unavailability: To mark yourself as unavailable, simply select the date, and under the timeslot, click on the delete icon.

Important Points to Note

  • Difference Between Weekly Hours and Date-Specific Hours:
    • Weekly Working Hours represent your standard, recurring schedule.
    • Date-Specific Hours allow you to make adjustments on selected dates, either to mark availability or unavailability.
  • Hierarchy of Settings: Date-Specific Hours take precedence over Weekly Working Hours. If you set specific hours for a particular date, those will override the default weekly working hours for that day.
  • Flexibility in Scheduling: Date-Specific Hours provide the flexibility to mark both availability and unavailability, giving you complete control over your calendar and ensuring it reflects your actual availability.

Benefits of Using Both Weekly and Date-Specific Hours

By leveraging both settings, you can create a flexible and accurate representation of your availability. This ensures a seamless scheduling experience for both you and your clients, preventing double bookings or confusion about your available times.