How to Offer Multiple Meeting Locations in GLM

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The Multiple Meeting Location Selector feature in Gym Lead Machine (GLM) allows you to provide multiple meeting locations on your calendar. These options are displayed on the booking widget, giving clients the flexibility to choose their preferred meeting location when scheduling an appointment. This feature is particularly useful if you offer services at multiple locations or want to give clients a choice of where to meet.

How to Set Multiple Meeting Locations


Before setting up multiple meeting locations, keep the following limitations in mind:

  • Calendar Types Supported: This feature is only available for the Event Calendar and Round Robin Calendar when there is only one team member assigned.
  • Form Compatibility: It is only supported with default forms and will not work with custom forms.
  • Widget Compatibility: This feature is supported exclusively on the Neo widget.

Configuration Steps

To configure multiple meeting locations:

  • Navigate to Calendar Settings:
    • Log into your GLM account, go to Settings from the left-side menu, and select Calendars.
  • Select the Desired Calendar:
    • Choose the calendar (either Event Calendar or Round Robin Calendar) you want to configure.
  • Locate the Meeting Location Section:
    • For Event Calendar: Scroll down to the Meeting Location section.
    • For Round Robin Calendar: Scroll down to the Team Members section.
  • Add Locations:
    • Click on the "+Add Location" button.

    • Select and configure your desired locations. You can choose from predefined options or select 'Custom' to add a specific location.
    • If using 'Custom,' you can add a display label. For example, if your meeting location is an office address but you prefer not to show it before booking, enter the address in the input box and use a label like "New York Office." The booking widget will display "New York Office" until the booking is made. After booking, the actual address will be shown and sent to the booker.

  • Save Your Changes:
    • Once all meeting locations are added and configured, click Save to apply the changes.

Available Meeting Locations

The options for meeting locations vary depending on the calendar type:

Event Calendar:

  • Phone: The default is the subaccount's phone number, but this can be edited to any number.
  • Address: The default is the subaccount's business address, but you can edit this to any other address as needed.
  • Custom: Enter any custom value (e.g., an alternative address, a message, or a static Zoom link). Note that the Event Calendar does not support dynamic Zoom/Google Meet link generation.
  • Ask the Booker: This option prompts the booker to enter their preferred meeting location. If more than one location is added, the label 'Elsewhere' will appear on the booking widget to indicate this choice.

Round Robin Calendar:

  • Phone: Similar to the Event Calendar, you can edit the default phone number.
  • Address: Similar to the Event Calendar, you can edit the default address.
  • Custom: Enter any custom value here, just like with the Event Calendar.
  • Zoom: Unique Zoom links will be generated if Zoom is integrated. Ensure Zoom integration by going to 'My Profile' > Calendar Settings > Video Conferencing.
  • Google Meet: Unique Google Meet links will be generated if Google is integrated and Google Calendar is selected as the linked calendar in 'My Profile > Calendar Settings'.

  • Ask the Booker: Similar to the Event Calendar, this prompts the booker to provide their preferred meeting location. If multiple locations are available, 'Elsewhere' will appear on the widget.

How Do Bookers Choose the Location?

Once multiple locations are set up in the calendar settings:

  • All configured options will be displayed on the booking widget.
  • The booker selects their preferred location from the available options.
  • The chosen location will then be:
    • Shown on the confirmation page
    • Included in the confirmation email
    • Used in automated workflows
    • Displayed in the in-app appointment modal
    • Reflected anywhere else the meeting location is displayed

This functionality allows you to offer flexibility and choice to your clients while maintaining control over your appointment scheduling process.