How to Customize a Widget for Your Dashboard in GLM

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Customizing widgets on your dashboard allows you to display the most relevant data tailored to your needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose, configure, and apply conditions to your widgets.

Step 1: Choose the Widget

Start by selecting a widget from the widget list on the "Add Widgets" panel.

Under the "ALL" filter, a default chart type is automatically chosen for each widget.

To change the chart type, click on the chart icon and select your preferred chart type.

Step 2: Configure Widget Settings

Go to the "Configure" tab to further customize the widget:

Title: Modify the widget's title to make it clear and descriptive, helping you and your team quickly understand its purpose.

Metrics: Select different data points that you want the widget to display.

Group: Define how results are grouped, especially useful for donut charts.

View By: Choose a secondary dimension for line, bar, and horizontal bar charts to refine the data view.

Breakdown: Adjust the frequency of the time period shown (e.g., daily, weekly).

Date Property: Set the date property to fetch specific data (e.g., Created Date, Updated Date).

Date Range Override: Override the global date range for the widget, allowing it to display data for a specific time frame.

Order: Change the order of results to ascending or descending.

Limit: Set a limit on the number of results displayed to keep the widget clean and focused.

Advanced settings are available for further customization but are optional for creating a basic widget.

Step 3: Add Conditions

Go to the "Conditions" tab to apply filters to the data displayed in the widget:

Click "ADD CONDITION" to add a new filter.

Choose the desired condition from the dropdown menu.

Set the appropriate operator (e.g., equals, contains) and specify the parameters for the filter.

You can add multiple conditions using AND or OR logic, or delete conditions as needed.

Note: If no data matches a specific filter, you will need to either remove that filter or adjust the condition; otherwise, the widget cannot be saved.

Step 4: Save Changes

After configuring the widget and setting any conditions, click the "Save" button to apply your changes.

The widget will now appear on your dashboard, where you can resize and reposition it as needed.

Finally, click "Save Changes" on the dashboard to finalize the widget's placement and settings.