How to Manage Permissions for a Dashboard in GLM

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Customize your dashboard experience by setting permissions tailored to your needs. Whether you want privacy or prefer to share and collaborate, Gym Lead Machine allows you to manage permissions easily and effectively.

Dashboard Permission Levels

  • Here are the different permission levels available for dashboards:
Level Description
FULL Allows creating, editing, sharing, and deleting dashboards.
EDIT Allows editing a dashboard and its widgets but not deleting it.
VIEW Grants read-only access to a dashboard.
ACCESS Completely restricts access to a dashboard.

Dashboard Actions by Permission Level

  • Different actions on dashboards are available depending on the permission level:
Manage Permissions
Delete Dashboard
Set as Default Dashboard
Edit Dashboard
Clone Dashboard
View Dashboard
Duplicate to another Sub-Account


  • Only users with Account Admin or Agency Roles with FULL access can set a dashboard as the default.
  • Duplicating to another sub-account is only available to Agency Roles.

Permissions Based on Roles

The permissions interface changes based on the user's role:

  • Agency: Agency Admins have FULL access to all dashboards except private ones. They can set access rules for Agency Users, Account Admins, and Account Users.
  • Account: Account Users can set access only for Account Admins and Account Users. Agency Admins and Agency Users have FULL access to all non-private dashboards created by Account Admins/Users.

Role and Permission Hierarchy

  • Dashboard permissions are structured hierarchically to ensure proper access management:
    • Agency Admins > Agency Users > Account Admins > Account Users
    • This hierarchy ensures that changes to permissions for higher-level roles (e.g., Agency Admins) automatically adjust permissions for lower-level roles (e.g., Account Users) to maintain security and consistency.


If both Account Users and Account Admins have EDIT permissions, changing the Account Admins' permissions to VIEW will also change Account Users' permissions to VIEW.

Managing and Updating Dashboard Permissions

Step 1: Set Permissions While Creating a New Dashboard

  • When creating a new dashboard, you can customize permissions. By default, new dashboards are private. Toggle the setting to adjust permissions as needed.

Step 2: Manage Permissions for an Existing Dashboard

  • To update permissions for an existing dashboard, navigate to it and click on the three-dot menu in the top right corner. Only Dashboard Owners and users with FULL permissions can manage and update dashboard permissions.

Step 3: Select "Manage Permissions"

  • Choose "Manage Permissions" from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Update Permissions

  • Toggle "Private Dashboard" to keep it exclusive, or ensure it's off to share with other team members. Adjust the permissions based on your requirements.

Step 5: Save Changes

  • Click "Save" to apply the new permissions.