How to Create a Brand Board

How to Create a Brand Board

Creating a brand board helps you maintain consistent branding across all your marketing efforts. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up your brand board.

Steps to Create a Brand Board

  1. Navigate to Marketing:

    Go to the Marketing section of your platform. At the top, you'll find a button labeled "New Brand Board."

  2. Start from Blank:

    Click the "New Brand Board" button, and choose to start from a blank template. This opens up the brand board editor.

    Add Logos:

    • You'll see sections for different logo types.
    • Click "Edit" under the Long Logo section to upload your primary logo.
    • Next, click "Edit" under the Square Logo section to upload a secondary or square version of your logo.

      Set Your Brand Colors:

    • Switch to the Colors tab. Here, you can enter the hex codes for your brand colors.
    • Choose your first color by either typing in the hex code or selecting from the color palette. Name the color (e.g., "Purple").
    • Repeat for a second color (e.g., "Pink").

      Choose Your Brand Fonts:

    • Move to the Text tab.
    • Select your primary font from the list. For example, if your brand uses "Enter," select it here.
    • Add additional fonts as needed by clicking "Add Another" and choosing the font style (e.g., "Times Bold").

      Save and Set as Default:

    • After entering all the necessary elements, save your brand board.
    • You can then set this board as the default for your marketing materials to ensure consistent branding.

And that's it! You've successfully created a brand board, helping to keep your marketing efforts aligned with your brand's identity.