🏛️ Trial Member Status Added

A new, optional status has been added to Kilo Gym Management this week!

Trial members may represent those athletes purchasing a short-term, front-end offer from which they may or may not roll into an ongoing membership at your gym.

If you don't offer trials, this status may also be useful for those in your Foundations or OnRamp program if you do not yet consider these prospects "Won" or full members of your gym.

Adding the Trial Status to an Athlete

Now, in both the "Status Upon Start" field of the Package Builder and the Status History portion of the Athlete profile, you may opt to give athletes the Trial status.

Select "Trial" in the Athlete Status Upon Start field of the Package builder
Manually update the Trial status in the athlete profile's "Manage Status" block.

Reporting for Trial Athletes in Kilo

Your Kilo Dashboard now contains two new reports related to Trial athletes.

The New Trial MTD report will display all athletes that have status from "Propect" or "Visitor" or "Non-Paying member" to "Trial" within the selected date range.

The Cancelled Trial Members MTD report will show all athletes that have status from "Trial" to "Alumni" within the selected date range.

Have questions about using the Trial status in Kilo? Reach out to our Support team at hello@usekilo.com.