Tip of the Week #10- How to Find Leads Not in a Workflow

If you’re finding it tough to get new leads, one good trick is to work with the leads you already have in your Gym Lead Machine account. This guide shows you how to find contacts that aren’t in any lead workflow right now, so you can make the most of your existing list.

Steps to Find Leads Not in a Workflow

  1. Go to Contacts:
    • Log in to your Gym Lead Machine account.
    • Head over to the Contacts section from your dashboard.
  2. Filter Contacts by Tag:
    • Click on the Filters button at the top right of the Contacts page.
    • Set the filter to Tag is and select "Lead." This will show only the contacts that are marked as leads.
  3. Check Workflow Status:
    • Now, let’s find the leads that aren’t in a workflow:
      • Choose Workflow Active is not and type in the name of a lead workflow (like "New Lead").
      • Do this for each workflow you have, such as "Fitness Pipeline New Lead," "Nutrition Pipeline New Lead," "Long Term Lead Campaign," etc.
    • Make sure you're only choosing workflows that are for leads, not clients.
  4. Create a Smart List:
    • After setting all the filters, save this as a Smart List by clicking Save and giving it a name like “Leads Not in a Workflow.”
    • This Smart List will now show you all the leads that aren’t in any current workflow.

Options of What to Do with These Leads

  1. Add them back to a Lead Workflow:
    • Once you have your Smart List, think about adding them back to a workflow to start engaging these leads:
      • Go to the Automation section.
      • Click Add to Automation and pick a workflow (like "Fitness Pipeline Long-Term Lead").
    • This helps you start nurturing these leads and can turn them into NSIs (No Sweat Intros).
  2. Create a Drip Campaign:
    • To keep the leads engaged, set up a drip campaign:
      • Build a workflow with multiple follow-ups, like an initial message followed by automatic reminders if they don’t respond.
      • Set it up to send messages over a few days to increase the chance of a reply.
  3. Manual Follow-Up:
    • You can also set reminders for your team to personally call or message the leads who don’t respond to the automated messages.
    • This adds a personal touch, which can lead to better results.

Tips for Getting the Best Results

  • Work with What You Have: Make the most of the contacts you already have by finding those who aren’t in any workflows and reaching out to them.
  • Keep Things Updated: Regularly update your filters and workflows to make sure you’re not missing any potential leads.
  • Mix Automation with Personal Touches: While automated messages save time, mixing them with manual follow-ups can boost engagement and results.

By following these steps, you can make the most of your existing leads and potentially get more people interested in your gym, even when new leads are hard to come by.