Automated Blog Writing Workflows

Using the ChatGPT action in Gym Lead Machine workflows costs $0.03 per execution for GPT-4 Turbo and $0.015 per execution for GPT-3.5 Turbo

Setting Up Automated Blog Writing Workflow: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a New Workflow

  1. Navigate to Automation:
    • Go to the Automation tab in your Gym Lead Machine account.
  2. Create Workflow:
    • Click on Create New Workflow.
    • Name the workflow Blog Writing Workflow 1.

Step 2: Add the First Action

  1. Add ChatGPT Action:
    • Add an action and select ChatGPT.
    • Name this action Nutrition and Healthy Eating Blog.

      Prompt for Blog Content:

    • Enter a prompt for ChatGPT to write a blog about Nutrition and Healthy Eating. Include formatting for a WordPress website and a call to action.

Example Prompt: Without a title, write a blog post for Unbeaten Fitness on a new topic within the category of Nutrition & Heathy Eating. Write the content in an emergent reading level in down to earth way. Format the post with appropriate headings (using tags such as <h2>, <h3>, and <h4>). Conclude with a call to action, prompting readers to schedule a No Sweat Intro—a free consultation with a coach. Include a clickable link to using an tag. Ensure that the response is formatted correctly for direct copy and paste into WordPress without any additional markup such as '```' or 'html' at the beginning and end of the response."

Step 3: Add Title Generation Action

  1. Add Another ChatGPT Action:
    • Name this action Blog Title Creator.

      Prompt for Blog Title:

    • Enter a prompt for ChatGPT to write a short, down-to-earth title for the blog based on the content generated in the previous step.

Step 4: Send Internal Notification

  1. Add Internal Notification:
    • Select Internal Notification and choose Email.
    • Set the subject as Nutrition and Healthy Eating Done for You.
    • Include the blog title and content in the email.

      Specify Recipient:

    • Set the recipient as yourself.

Step 5: Add Delay and Repeat

  1. Add Delay:
    • Set a delay of 2 days before the next action.

      Repeat Blog Writing Process:

    • Copy the previous steps to create another blog about Fitness and Exercise.
    • Adjust prompts and internal notification details accordingly.

Step 6: Add a Third Blog

  1. Repeat Blog Writing Process:
    • Copy the previous steps to create a third blog about Wellness and Lifestyle.
    • Adjust prompts and internal notification details accordingly.

Step 7: Loop Workflows for Continuous Blogging

  1. Duplicate Workflow:
    • Duplicate Blog Writing Workflow 1 and name it Blog Writing Workflow 2.

      Link Workflows:

    • At the end of Blog Writing Workflow 1, add an action to enter Blog Writing Workflow 2.
    • At the end of Blog Writing Workflow 2, add an action to enter Blog Writing Workflow 1.

Step 8: Publish and Save

  1. Publish Workflows:
    • Publish and save both workflows to start the automation process.

How It Works

  • When you start Blog Writing Workflow 1, you will receive three blogs every two days.
  • The workflows will loop continuously, alternating between the two workflows, ensuring you receive regular blog content.