Understanding the "Stop on Response" Setting for Campaigns

At standard, your GLM account is built with the “Stop on Response” settings in campaigns/workflows enabled for the following communication sequences:

  1. New Lead
  2. Long-Term Lead
  3. Pricing
  4. Lead Magnet
  5. Cancelled-Reactivation

When enabled, the Stop on Response setting ends a campaign/workflow for a contact if the contact responds to a message that is sent from the automated sequence.

This feature allows a campaign/workflow to be interrupted and end for contact as soon as they respond to a message sent from the campaign/workflow. This setting is handy when further progression in the automated sequence depends on the recipient's response, or when you don't want to overwhelm your contact with further messages after they have replied.

It’s important to note that messages sent from the campaign/workflow are the key to the Stop on Response setting working correctly. If you send a message pre-empting the automated messages or in the midst of them, and the contact replies to a manually sent message, this will not trigger the Stop on Response setting to remove from the automation. 

In the case that a contact replies to a manual message rather than one automated from the campaign, you should remove the contact from the campaign/workflow manually via their contact card. To do this, go to Contacts -> search for the contact’s name -> enter their contact card and scroll down to the Active Campaign/Workflow section in the left column -> hit the “x” next to the campaign/workflow name.

If you have further questions regarding this feature, please contact our support team at hello@usekilo.com.