Number Formatter Workflow Action

What is the Number Formatter Workflow Action?

The Number Formatter Workflow Action encompasses five essential features: Text to Number, Format Number, Format Phone Number, Format Currency, and Random Number. Some of its capabilities include:

  • Converting text to the number (e.g., "$12,345.67" to 12345.67) for easy comparison in If/Else conditions with number operators.
  • Formatting currencies to their respective locales before sending emails or SMS to contacts, ensuring a professional appearance.
  • Formatting United States phone numbers as international numbers (e.g., adding "+1" country code) before storing or sending them via email, SMS, Slack, or a custom webhook to another platform.

How to use the Number Formatter Workflow Action?

To use the Number Formatter Workflow Action, follow these steps:

Inside a workflow, add the Number Formatter Workflow Action

Text to Number:

In the Number Formatter action, choose the Text to Number option in the Action Type dropdown.

a. Select Field: Choose a suitable field for text-to-number conversion from Contact fields, Custom fields, Custom values, or Inbound Webhook Trigger.

b. Input Decimal Mark: Define the character used to denote the decimal portion of the number.

c. Output: Use the result in further actions in your workflow with {{number_formatter.1.result}}.

Format Number:

In the Number Formatter action, choose the Format Number option in the Action Type dropdown.

a. Select Field: Choose a suitable field for number formatting from Contact fields, Custom fields, Custom values, or Inbound Webhook Trigger.

b. Input Decimal Mark: Define the character used to denote the decimal portion of the number.

c. To Format: Select the required format from the list.

d. Output: Use the result in further actions in your workflow with {{number_formatter.1.result}}.

Format Phone Number:

In the Number Formatter action, choose the Format Phone Number option in the Action Type dropdown.

a. Select Field: Choose a suitable field for phone number formatting from Contact fields, Custom fields, Custom values, or Inbound Webhook Trigger.

Please Note:

If you choose the Format Phone Number Action Type, you would only be able to choose Phone Number related fields

b. To Format: Select the required format from the list.

c. Country Code: Select the required country code from the list.

d. Output: Use the result in further actions in your workflow with {{number_formatter.1.result}}.

Format Currency:

In the Number Formatter action, choose the Format Currency option in the Action Type dropdown.

a. Select Field: Choose a suitable field for currency formatting from Contact fields, Custom fields, Custom values, or Inbound Webhook Trigger.

b. Currency: Select the required currency format from the list.

c. Currency Locale: Select the required currency locale format from the list.

Please Note:

Currency locale refers to the regional settings and conventions used to display currency values, taking into account the local formatting rules, symbols, and language preferences. It determines how currency values are formatted and presented based on the region or country where the currency is being used.

For example, the currency locale for the United States uses the US Dollar symbol ($) and formats currency values with a comma as the thousands separator and a period as the decimal separator (e.g., $1,234.56). In contrast, the currency locale for Germany uses the Euro symbol (€) and formats currency values with a period as the thousands separator and a comma as the decimal separator (e.g., €1.234,56).

Using the correct currency locale ensures that your customers or users can easily understand and interpret currency values, as they will be presented in a familiar and expected format.

d. Output: Use the result in further actions in your workflow with {{number_formatter.1.result}}.

Random Number:

In the Number Formatter action, choose the Random Number option in the Action Type dropdown.

a. Specify the Lower Range and Upper Range.

Please Note:

The Lower Range and Upper Range in the Random Number action type are the parameters that define the minimum and maximum values, respectively, within which a random number will be generated. By setting these values, you can control the range of possible numbers that can be produced by the Random Number action.

For example, if you set the Lower Range to 1 and the Upper Range to 100, the Random Number action will generate a random number between 1 and 100, inclusive. This functionality can be useful for creating unique codes, selecting random samples, or generating dynamic content within your CRM workflows.

b. Specify the Decimal Points

c. Output: Use the generated random number in further actions in your workflow with {{number_formatter.1.result}}.

Please Note: 

When selecting fields, ensure they suit the chosen formatting operation to avoid errors or unexpected results.


Q: Can I use the Number Formatter Workflow Action to format numbers from external APIs?

A: Absolutely! Inbound Webhook Trigger can retrieve numbers from external APIs and format them accordingly.

Q: Can I apply multiple formatting operations within the same workflow?

A: You can use multiple instances of the Number Formatter Workflow Action in a single workflow to perform various formatting operations.

Q: How does the Random Number feature ensure uniqueness in generated numbers?

A: The Random Number feature generates numbers within a specified range. While it does not guarantee absolute uniqueness, the odds of generating the same number multiple times decrease as the range increases. To further ensure uniqueness, you can implement additional checks in your workflows to track previously generated numbers and prevent duplicates from being used. This combination of a wide range and proper tracking will help minimize the likelihood of non-unique random numbers in your applications.

Q: Can date values be formatted using the Number Formatter Workflow Action?

A: The Number Formatter Workflow Action is designed specifically for formatting numbers. For date values, consider using a dedicated date formatting action or tool.