AutoRenew vs. AutoPay in Kilo
The guide below will help you understand the difference between AutoRenew and AutoPay in Kilo's gym management system.
AutoRenew refers to whether the package is recurring or ends when it reaches the limit of its validity period.
- If a package has auto-renew on, it rolls over at the end of the validity period. If auto-renew is off, the package ends or cancels at that point.
- Use cases for AutoRenew:
- You want auto-renew on for all recurring memberships (like monthly CrossFit) and off for one-time packages like On-Ramp or a 6-week kickstart where the athlete is only to going to do that package one time and then move into some type of recurring membership.
AutoPay controls what the invoice does on the bill date - whether it will charge automatically the selected payment method or if it will generate an open invoice that needs to be manually fulfilled.
- Most of the time, you want auto-pay on, so that people get automatically charged on their bill date.
- Use cases for AutoPay:
- AutoPay must be off for cash payments in Kilo since you want to actually collect the money from these athletes and then manually mark the invoice as collected when the money is in hand.
- You may want AutoPay off for large lump sum amounts, like an annual payment, that you don't want to charge for the next year before touching base with the person about their desire to pay annually again. In this case, you could opt to turn auto-pay off. Then, when the open invoice is generated the next year, it could be voided if they want to switch to a new billing cycle, or manually collected if desired.