Add an Unsubscribe Link

All of your standard Gym Lead Machine campaigns are equipped with unsubscribe links at the bottom of each email. An unsubscribe link generally looks like, "Click here to unsubscribe." where some or all of the words are hyperlinked to an unsubscribe trigger link that we have built into your account. When the unsubscribed is clicked, the contact sees a confirmation message and their contact is updated to DND "on" for email - meaning "do not disturb."

If you are adding a custom workflow to your GLM account, you should consider including an unsubscribe link so that contacts can opt-out easily. 

You have 2 options: 

  1. Link this text to a standard unsubscribe trigger link already in your account (note that this turns on DND for email)
  2. Create a custom trigger link with unique actions (such as removing them from a certain workflow campaign or removing a tag, but not activating DND) and link that to your unsubscribe text

Link the text to your standard unsubscribe trigger link

  1. At the base of your email, write a line of unsubscribe text (i.e. Click here to unsubscribe.).You can opt to make this text smaller or lighter than your base email copy but using the editor options available.

  2. Highlight all or part of the text. Click the hyperlink icon. Select the "Link List" drop-down menu

  3. Select "Unsubscribe Link" from the drop-down menu.

  4. Since your GLM account is already equipped with a workflow to enable DND when the Unsubscribe trigger link is, there is no further action you need to take! Be sure to save your workflow actions, and publish and save the workflow before exiting.

Link the text to a custom unsubscribe trigger link that you create

Create the new trigger link
  1. You will begin in the Marketing tab, where you'll create your new trigger link. Click Marketing in the left menu and then Trigger Links in the upper menu.

  2. When you get to the Trigger Link list, you need to copy the existing Unsubscribe Link URL for your GLM account. It will end in /unsubscribe. You can highlight the URL and use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+C to copy.Click the "Add Link" button in the upper right of your screen and paste the URL. You can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V.

  3. Name your new trigger link according to its use (i.e. "Newsletter Unsubscribe Link" and Save.
Creating a workflow for your trigger link actions
  1. Now that your new trigger link is created, let's add the actions that will take place when it is clicked! Go to Automation on the left menu of your GLM account.
  2. Click the "Create Workflow" button in the upper right and select "Start from scratch"

  3. Name your workflow according to the trigger link being used
  4. Click "Add New Workflow Trigger" and search for "trigger link clicked" in the Workflow Trigger list that appears on the right. Select "Trigger Link Clicked."

  5. Select "+ Add Filters." In the first drop-down menu select "Trigger link." In the second drop-down menu, select the proper trigger link for this workflow. Save the workflow trigger.

  6. Click "Add your first Action." In the Actions menu that appears on the right, select the first thing you want to happen when a contact clicks this trigger link. The most common action is to "Remove Contact Tag" if you are using a specific tag in order to communicate with contacts. By removing the tag when the unsubscribe link is clicked, this contact will no longer be included in those communications.
  7. Select or create the tag you want to remove when the trigger link is clicked. Save the updated Action.

  8. Add any further actions you'd like in this workflow, saving each one as you work. 
  9. Before exiting, publish and save the workflow.
  10. You may opt to move this workflow to the Unsubscribe Trigger Links folder in your Workflows - it will help maintain organization in your system. You can always find this workflow easily by searching in Workflows. 
Linking your new unsubscribe link to text in your emails
  1. To link your new trigger link to unsubscribe text in an email, follow the instructions in the top portion of this help article. 
  2. When you reach the stage of selecting the proper trigger link for your text, be sure to select the trigger link you've just created. 

If you have further questions regarding trigger links and unsubscribe actions, please contact the support team at