Dashboard Tour in GLM

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Welcome to your Gym Lead Machine dashboard!

The following article will help you understand the most important elements of your GLM dashboard.

Your Logo

You can replace the Kilo logo at the top of your Dashboard and customize it for your business!

Change the logo by following these steps:

  1. Click on the three dots in the upper right of the logo
  2. Select 'Edit'

  3. Click 'Remove Image'
  4. Once the Kilo logo is gone, select 'Click here to upload'
  5. Select the logo in your Media Library or Upload from you computer
  6. Save the changes

Business Metrics

The GLM dashboard is provided with metrics widgets to help you see your month-to-date metrics, as well as the comparable metrics from the previous month.

  • The Leads metric tells you how many leads have entered your Opportunity pipelines (through the creation of a new Opportunity card):
    • So far for the current month
    • For the whole of last month
  • The NSI Booked (No Sweat Intro or Free Intro - your sales meeting) metric tells you how many prospects booked sales meetings (through the GLM system):
    • So far for the current month
    • For the whole of the last month
  • The NSI Showed metric tells you how many of those appointments were updated to the Showed status in GLM either by:
    • Dragging the card to the Showed stage in Opportunities
    • Or editing the Stage field of their Opportunity card
      • Both of these actions will relocate the card to the Appointment Showed stage
    • This metric is a manual process - you must update the appointment statuses after each meeting to keep these numbers up to date.
  • The Won metric refers to the number of Opportunities that were updated to the Won status either by:
    • Dragging the card to the Won status at the bottom of the Opportunity page (appears when a card is dragged)
    • Editing the Status field of the Opportunity card
      • Both of these actions will result in the Opportunity card moving to the Sales Past & Present stage of the pipeline
    • This metric is a manual process - you must update the Opportunity statuses to Won or Lost after a sales decision is made to keep this metric up to date.

Announcements & Tip of the Week

Check out this portion of your dashboard for news and announcements from the team here at Kilo. These videos are updated weekly and we're always bringing to new ideas for how to best utilize your Kilo products.

Ads Reporting

If you are running Facebook or Google Ads and have those platforms integrated with Gym Lead Machine, your ads metrics will appear on this portion of the Dashboard.

Kilo GMS Upgrade

Kilo's Gym Management system is available for gyms in the United States and Canada! If you are a current Gym Lead Machine user and located in one of those countries, you are eligible to update to Kilo's Full Stack (website + CRM + GMS) and bring all of those services under the Kilo umbrella - benefiting from our streamlined services and world-class customer support.

Learn more about Kilo's GMS and book your Upgrade Discovery Call on this part of your Dashboard.


The Tasks list is where tasks assigned to you will appear when they are created. Admin in the account can view the tasks for all users. Users in GLM can view tasks only for themselves.

  • By clicking on an individual task, you will be taken to the contact card with full details regarding the task and the contact for which it is to be completed.

Lead Source Report

The Lead Source Report is a powerful report on your Gym Lead Machine platform and we recommend this is how you calculate your total number of leads for the month previous. On this report, you can add to find your total number of leads as well as see exactly which forms leads opted in on in order to enter the system.

Gym World Podcast & Kilo Instagram

Wrap up your GLM Dashboard tour by checking out this week's Gym World Worldwide podcast on YouTube. Hosted by Kilo's co-founders - John and Mateo - Gym World talks to some of the fitness industry's most successful entrepreneurs about how they make money in the fitness industry. Then, pop over to Kilo's Instagram, and be sure to follow both pages!