Keeping your Client Information Organized

Keeping client information organized can be a challenge. We want to make this easier for you! 

You can keep all kinds of client information including prospect activity, sales and athlete check-in meetings, client notes, and other documents all within each client profile!

Please view the following video and see the notes below to find out how you can keep all of your client files in one centralized place within your Gym Lead Machine platform. 

Organization tools in the contact card

  1. Go to Contacts in the left menu of your Gym Lead Machine account
  2. Search for and click on the contact name
  3. In Activity, view actions related to the contact and determine how and when a contact found you (FB form, website form). You can also see booked appointments in this feed.
  4. View the Appointment tab for past and upcoming appointments and their statuses.
  5. Click on the Tasks tab to view tasks associated with the contact (coming up or past due) as well as the team member to whom they are assigned.
  6. Within the Notes section, you can fill in any sales notes as you go or other information that may be relevant for this contact. See below for Notes templates.

Notes templates for the contact profile

Copy and paste these templates into the notes within the client profile or create custom fields and fill in the answers after your meetings.

Free Intro/Sales Meeting Notes Template:
  • How did you hear about us?
  • What brought you in today?
  • What are your goals?
  • Why are these goals important to you?
  • Recommended Program: 
Goal Setting/Athlete Check-in Notes Template:
  • What is going well?
  • What are you struggling with in your health and fitness journey?
  • How can I help you get there?
  • Recommended Program:
  • InBody Scan Results:
Exit Interview Notes Template: 
  • What did you like best about your experience with us?
  • What challenges did you experience?
  • What prompted you to make a change?
  • How can we improve?

Create a Goal Settings and Sales section in contact cards

Instructions for this process are provided in the video above.

  1. Go to Settings -> Custom Fields -> Folders -> add the Goal Setting and/or Sales folder.
  2. Click Add Folder and name the folder.

    Go to Settings -> Custom Fields. Click Add Folder.
    Name the folder.
  3. After you've created the new folder, you'll add fields (questions) that will be listed within the folder.

    Click + Add Field and, when the pop-up appears, select the type of field you'd like to add.

    Click +Add Field

    If you want to input information, directly, such as written notes, choose the Multi Line input option.

    To upload a photo, choose File Upload. Choose file type (click allow multiple - usually 5-10 is fine).

    Ensure the folder selected is the folder you have just created.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Return to the contact and you will have a section for the new folder and questions in the left column of their contact card.

If you have further questions regarding organizing contact information, please contact the support team at